Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21: A Day of Tater Tots

I declare today to be Tater Tot Solidarity Day! Tots for all!
I grabbed a picture from the fabulous fee over at the PPK, where we have been discussing these delightful potato delights.



Dawn said...

I love tater tots! Alas, many of them have flour in them. Hmm...I might have to shred up some potatoes and try to make my own. You may have inspired my next project!

Anonymous said...

Now that my link isn't leading to scary Baptists anymore...

Alls I was saying is that Sonic has the best tater tots in the world. Greasy, yet still crip. Perfection in tot form.

panda with cookie said...

I have my bag of tots now. Soon, they will be in my belly.

Amy said...

YUM! I need a new bag, we're out at the moment (shock horror, sadly it's way too hot to even imagine turning an oven on at the moment).